
Sage(math) in the Amazon Web Service

A few days a go a new version of Sage has been released, the 5.11.

When I was doing a coursera's High Performance Scientific Computing, I've learn how to have a small machine in the Amazon Web Services. In particular I've set up, as the course shows but was just one of the options I would do, an Ubuntu 13.04 Amazon Machine Image (It look that the ami I used is no longer available).

With this very small virtual machine (64bits, Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts), 613 MiB memory, 8GB Hard disk, I/O Performance: Low). And for the first year the service is for free.

What to do with a machine in the cloud? Lets be sage...

There is a easy way to have your sage installation and someone else will maintain the sagemath package. With 3 commands you can have an installation in your ubuntu.

The thing I did by hand was and script to insert this as a service in the init.d:
# configuration
SAGE_OPTS="-notebook interface='' secure=True"
SAGE_USER='ubuntu' #default in aws machine
# commands
sage_start() {
        $CMD_ECHO "Starting Sage..."
        (su - $SAGE_USER -c "sage $SAGE_OPTS" 2&>1 ) >> $SAGE_LOG &
sage_stop() {
        $CMD_ECHO "Stopping Sage..."
        # CAUTION : maybe you kill something important in your server
        #$CMD_KILLALL python
        ps -ef |grep "sage -notebook" |grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}' |xargs kill -9
case $1 in
                $CMD_SLEEP 5
                $CMD_ECHO "Use: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
                exit 1
exit 0

After that, a simple:
$ /etc/init.d/sage_daemon start
is enough to have the notebook  up and running. Perhaps you would prefer to insert it to the boot process
$ sudo update-rc.d sage_daemon defaults 95
(this is only an example)

Best of all is that since I installed it (it was version 5.9) to the current 5.11, those two updates have been as simple as:
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Incredible, I'm really happy with this, the only point I'm missing is to have those binaries also available for debian's installations.

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